Friday, February 12, 2010

When Your WHY is Big Enough...The HOW Doesn't matter!

My life in Direct Selling has lead me to several important understandings.

First - No matter who, what or where we are in our lives, nothing else matters IF we do not know WHY we are. I know that is not grammatically correct, but you get the point, right?

Second - No matter HOW much you want change for others, you cannot bring that about, unless THEY want it more and are willing to DO the work.

"Only if a person wants, needs, can accept, and above all else, will help themselves, can YOU help them." James Tolleson

Third - All change begins with belief. "

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right!" Henry Ford

OK, so here is the path, which can easily be adapted to ANY business, ANY endeavor, ANY relationship. It literally comes down to this: If you want to create ANYTHING worth creating, you MUST plan accordingly.

Think blueprints. Think schematics. Think bridges, buildings, damns, and more. Planning, planning and a little more PLANNING. Then you review the plans, you invite "experts" to review the plans and ultimately you EXECUTE.

Following these simples steps GUARANTEES you nothing...executing them at least guarantees you GROWTH and PROGRESS. Join me, and thousands of others, as we FINE TUNE our WHY!

1.Rediscovering Your Why

Conceptualize and visualize:
• Why You Joined your company
• Why you PROSPECT
• What Drives you

2. Evaluate Your Current Goals

“If you are not experiencing the kind of growth you desire, it is simply that your goals are not clearly defined” – Paul J. Meyer

3. Re-set your Mind – Re-set your future
Your Current most dominant thought creates your current experience.

4. Begin to “reframe” your thinking, to “reframe” your world
Two of the most powerful words in any language are: “I AM”

• I Am Grateful
• I Am Powerful
• I Am a Recruiter
• I Am a People Magnet
• I Am a Leader

I AM ________________________________________________

Play with this concept. Write in the present moment.

You might begin with a lead in like “I am so happy and grateful now that…”

Don't write just one, write many. Write them over and over again, until they become part of YOU

“What you think about, what you thank about, you bring about” Dr. John Demartini

In Part II of this exercise, we will go into the remaining steps that are essential to your M A S S I V E O U T C O M E !!

Author assumes ALL responsibility for these steps. Copyrighted March 2008(C)
May not be used in whole or in part without the express written consent of the author.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The shortest distance between two another line

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Spirulina- The Worlds Most Nutritious Food

N a t u r e ’ s
M i r a c l e F o o d

Key Benefits:

• Vegetarian source of protein
• Cleansing and detoxifying
• Excellent source of phytonutrients

What is it?
Spirulina is the perfect food to restore our health and the health of our planet. It is a unique blue-green algae and it contains an incredible array of nutrients deeming it “Nature’s Miracle Food.” Spirulina provides more nutrition per acre than any other food on the planet and it takes far less energy to produce than meat or grains.

What is it formulated to do?
Spirulina is an excellent source of complete protein and numerous phytonutrients which act as powerful antioxidants. It is abundant in chlorophyll, which cleanses the body of the toxins and heavy metals we are exposed to every day. It is the most nutritionally complete food on the planet, and we offer many ways to make it part of your daily diet.

Who may benefit?If you are looking to positively impact our planet with your food choices, or if you simply recognize the importance of supplementing with this protein-rich, nutrient-dense miracle food, our Spirulina is your best choice. Consumers experience more energy and a profound cleansing benefit.

How is it used?
We recommend making this super-food part of your diet by starting slowly and increasing as desired. There is no right or wrong way to take Spirulina, and it is not harmful for anyone in any amount. The powder is perfect for making delicious fruit smoothies or sprinkling on steamed vegetables. Many moms introduce this food to their babies to give them a powerful source of nutrition as they grow up.

The Nutritional Gold Mine
Spirulina is often called Nature’s Miracle Food because of its abundant nutritional profile. It is 70% protein and contains all the essential amino acids, making it a unique vegetarian source of complete protein. Better yet, its protein is 95% digestible compared to meat sources which are estimated to be only 20% digestible. Spirulina is the perfect source of high quality protein that’s easy on the body. It also contains enzymes, which naturally assist in the digestion process.

Spirulina is one of the highest natural food sources for betacarotene, which is essential for a strong immune system. It is also an excellent source of B vitamins.

This nutritious food contains vitamin E, a highly bioavailable source of iron, and
14 naturally chelated minerals and trace elements. Spirulina Powder

Spirulina is a rich source of GLA (gamma linolenic acid), which is a precursor for the body’s prostaglandins, the master hormones necessary for many essential body functions. GLA is important for growth, development and proper immune function. Next to mother’s milk, Spirulina is the highest whole-food source of this important compound.

SuperFood for Dieters• Low in fat, calories and cholesterol.
• Satisfies the appetite allowing people to reduce their overall food consumption.
• When the body receives proper nutrition, it is far less likely to have an overactive appetite which can lead undernourished people to eat large amounts of food.
• This nutrient rich food that will satisfy the appetite with few calories - a
valuable part of any healthy weight loss program.

The Miracles of Green Foods
• Green foods are abundant in chlorophyll, which gives green plants their color.
• Chlorophyll is very cleansing; it works to rid the system of heavy metals
and other toxins.
• Spirulina has undergone extensive research throughout the world to uncover the remarkable properties of this ancient food.
• Studies have shown Spirulina to have a protective effect on the liver and to aid in the maintenance of healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
• Spirulina has been shown to substantially support the immune system, increasing the ability of scavenging cells and antibody production to eliminate foreign invaders and mutated cells.
• Consumers have reported that Spirulina helps to improve behavioral and emotional challenges.
• Spirulina helps maintain blood sugar balance.
• Spirulina naturally promotes healthy regularity.

The Story of Spirulina
The story of modern day Spirulina begins with Dr. Christopher Hills. He set out to find a solution to world hunger and discovered his answer in Nature’s Miracle Food – Spirulina. Dr. Hills traveled the world evangelizing the significant health benefits of Spirulina. He researched better ways to grow Spirulina and shared his knowledge freely hoping to improve lives around the world. With research in hand, he set out to introduce his Miracle Food to improve the rapidly deteriorating American diet. In 1996, Christopher Hills and RBC Life Sciences founder, Clinton Howard, joined forces to continue spreading the news of Spirulina worldwide.

How is Spirulina from RBC Life Sciences Unique?

Our Organic Spirulina is cultured in controlled ponds in fresh water. It is supplied necessary nutrients for healthy growth. Paddlewheels stir the water, ensuring even exposure of the algae to the sun. The water is kept alkaline to maximize Spirulina growth and to prevent any other species from growing in the ponds.

Spirulina is then pumped into the processing plant where it is screened and washed with fresh water. After drying, a sample is taken from each batch for complete quality assurance and safety testing.

You can be assured that RBC Life Sciences offers you only safe, high quality Spirulina products. RBC offers Spirulina in powder, tablets, capsules and in a convenient snack bar.

Nutrition Facts
Calories 20
Calories from Fat 5
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 0 g 0%
Saturated fat 0 g 0%
Cholesterol 0 g 0%
Sodium 0 mg 0%
Potassium 80 mg 2%
Total Carbohydrate 1 g 0%
Protein 4 g 8%
Vitamin A (as beta-carotene) 360% • Calcium 2%
Iron 40% • Thiamin 30% • Riboflavin 35%
Niacin 2% • Vitamin B6 10% • Vitamin B12 230%
Phosphorus 6% • Magnesium 10% • Selenium 8%
Manganese 15% • Chromium 35%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Ingredients: Organic spirulina powder available at

Thursday, February 4, 2010

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going

by Kevin Young

Working Smart

Our industry is littered with people who gave up on their dreams of building a self-sustaining business because someone somewhere told them that network marketing just doesn’t work. In fact, having a person of influence speak negatively about their chosen profession is one of the leading causes of turnover within the ranks of independent consultants. They give up before they ever get going.

The other major downfall of these would-be entrepreneurs is never having been taught how to properly go about their new business. If new recruits were instructed on the art of prospecting and overcoming objections, more people would be on their way to securing their personal dreams and fulfilling their financial goals.

Training new recruits on the do’s and don’ts of reaching out to others is critical. It’s important to get the recruit to training immediately after they sign up. What better time to begin than when they’re eager to act on their beliefs? Capitalize on that excitement; they’ll be much more open to learning how to methodically attain their goals.

Focus on Prospecting

The one aspect that I would like to focus on is coaching the new recruit to introduce his or her new business to others. For all but the most seasoned network marketers, this often is the biggest psychological hurdle a recruit faces. And yet it’s absolutely the most critical to succeeding.

Reaching out to others is sometimes so daunting that new recruits will focus on everything but prospecting. They’ll spend an inordinate amount of time learning about the product. They’ll research every nuance of the product to determine, down to an iota, how it is unique within the marketplace. They’ll busy themselves with the infrastructure of their new business. They’ll make exhaustive lists and plans. They’ll do everything except what’s most important: talk to others.

I saw this firsthand while overseeing sales training for a company that marketed unique home goods. The company had an impressive network of consultants, but sales were lagging. We hired an agency to help us find the choke point keeping the company from expanding more rapidly. We soon discovered that consultants were focusing nearly 45 percent of their time and energy on shipping and deliveries. Consequently, they were not as focused as they could have been on introducing the products and business opportunity to the broader community.

If you don’t ask, you won’t receive. It’s as simple as that. The new recruit’s upline should have a training program in place that introduces the budding entrepreneur to the lay of the land, so to speak. Which raises an age-old question within our industry: Who’s responsible for training new recruits—the company or the field?

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

The company has the responsibility to provide its field with everything it needs to generate sales. This includes collateral such as brochures, DVDs, product information, company Web sites and a consultant back office, corporate road tours, conference calls with the field, and so on. But since the field is where the rubber meets the road, it’s incumbent upon a new recruit’s upline to show them how to do the business. This is a people business. The new recruit was most likely approached by someone he or she knew. It’s all about relationships.

Recurrent training is an excellent way to help the new recruit begin to gain confidence in their new-found company. If the recruit is new to direct sales, training acclimates them to the business model and immediately introduces them to like-minded peers attempting to achieve the same self-sustaining business.

The fear of rejection can be an overpowering challenge. More likely than not, this fear stems from the recruit not focusing on the fact that he or she is in the business of helping others. That mindset is crucial to success.

A friend said a door-to-door salesman came to his house recently. When he opened the door, the young salesman said: “I was just at your next-door neighbor’s. He said you would have lunch ready by now.” My friend immediately started laughing. The man’s humor and ease of style indicated he thought he had a legitimate product that my friend needed to hear about. You know what? My friend took the time to listen to his presentation.

Don’t Give Up, Get Going

Network marketing companies are always striving to find ways to help their associates overcome the fear of rejection. RBC Life has implemented a pilot program called “Go for NO,” based on the work of Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz in their book by the same title. It’s proven that if a business builder persists in making contacts, his or her business volume will grow. The issue for new business builders is how to turn a negative (someone saying no) into a positive (a sign of progress).

RBC Life decided to encourage new business builders by rewarding those who persist in making new contacts and to re-approach prospects who previously had said no. Our three main objectives with the Go for NO pilot program is to reduce the associate fallout rate, to increase the growth of RBC Life sales and to increase the growth rate of participating individual business teams.

We’re targeting new business builders who have not yet achieved a certain qualifying volume of sales. The associate must make verbal contact with a prospect. We are encouraging participating, would-be business builders to re-approach these prospects over a given time interval. We believe the Go for NO program will provide team leaders with valuable information they can use to mentor new associates.

We’ve all seen the dismal economic news. Unemployment is higher today than it has been in a very long time. That means there are many more people aching for an opportunity to support themselves and their families. Remember that many of these people may have a misperception—or no perception at all—of our industry. Don’t let that be a deterrent. You’re offering them an opportunity. Never forget that. Some will say no. So what? Persistence pays.

Kevin Young is Director of Sales at RBC Life.